Randall Kimple
Credentials: Human Oncology Department
Position title: Cell therapy, radiation biology, cancer therapeutics
Email: rkimple@humonc.wisc.edu
Phone: (608) 265-9156
3107 Wi Institute Medical Research
1111 Highland Ave
Madison, WI 53705

Cancer Biology; Developmental Biology & Regenerative Medicine
In the Kimple Lab we seek to improve the care of cancer patients through our strengths in translational radiation research while providing a supportive, world-class learning environment for scientists at all levels. Radiation therapy can be used to cure many cancer patients. We use powerful patient-derived model systems to study how cancers evolute to overcome current treatments and study treatments to overcome radiation-induced toxicity to improve the quality of life of our patients. Our long-term goal is to offer personalized treatments to each patient.
ALSO A TRAINER IN THE FOLLOWING PROGRAMS: Cancer Biology, Medical Physics, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology Training Program (MCP)