Daniel Matson
Credentials: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Position title: Transcription Factors and Replication Origins
Email: drmatson@wisc.edu
Phone: (608)-265-4377
Room 1770 WIMR
1111 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53706

Cancer Biology; Developmental Biology & Regenerative Medicine; Transcriptional Mechanisms
The research in my lab focuses on understanding how factors interface with chromatin to promote efficient and timely hematopoiesis. While the hematopoiesis field has classically focused largely on a relatively small number of bona fide transcription factors, the true number and scope of the proteins that work on chromatin to promote critical transcriptional programs is not known. My lab utilizes approaches ranging from in vitro biochemistry to whole animal studies to uncover these factors and then rigorously investigate the mechanisms by which they regulate diverse cellular processes. A core purpose of my laboratory also includes working to translate laboratory findings into the clinic, and as a practicing hematopathologist I maintain a strong connection to both benign and malignant patient tissue repositories. Our overarching goal is to discover new biology that improves our understanding of hematopoiesis and informs the development of future clinical diagnostics and patient therapies.