Thesis Defense: Keer Jiang

@ 12:30 pm

Spatiotemporal expression and regulation of steroidogenic pathway genes in fetal Leydig cells during development.

CMB Student Seminar Series

WIMR 5001A
@ 3:30 pm

This seminar will be given by Mason McGuire from the Xu lab. Thank you to everyone that has volunteered as an upcoming speaker- if interested, please email Nina Denne,

Thesis Defense: Rachel Kocik

Genetics-Biotechnology Building Room 1111
@ 1:00 pm

“Regulating growth versus stress defense in the yeast environmental stress response.”

UW Madison Life Sciences Career Day

Microbial Sciences Building
@ 9:30 am - 3:00 pm

Life Sciences Career Day (LSCD) is a symposium for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers at UW–Madison that provides them with some perspectives about career choices after obtaining a graduate degree in the biological sciences. The …