CMB Student Seminar Series
The CMB student seminar is designed to give CMB graduate students an informal atmosphere to practice presenting their research to other graduate students.
Contacts: Nicole Woodhead and Nina Dinne
See the CMB Calendar for updated student seminar information
CMB Seminar Requirement
Students are required to give an oral presentation beginning the second year of the CMB Program and each year thereafter. Second and third-year students can give either a Journal Club Presentation or Formal Research Seminar, while fourth, fifth, and sixth-year students must give a Formal Research Seminar. The requirements can be satisfied through a number of seminar series within individual CMB focus groups and departments across the UW-Madison campus. More information about the seminar requirement can be found on the Seminar Requirement page of the CMB Handbook. Feedback from students on different seminars can be found here.
Common Seminars for Student Seminar Requirement
American Society of Plant Biologists, Western Section Meeting
American Society for Virology General Conference
Arabidopsis Training Group Seminar Series
Axon Guidance Journal Club
Blood Research Program Seminar
2nd Thursday of the month, 4-5 pm, 7001A WIMR
Contact: Emery Bresnick (
Cell Division Group Meeting
Second Tuesday of the month
Chromatin/Transcription Seminar
Every third Wednesday, 2-3pm in BSB
Contact: Peter Lewis
Developmental Biology Student/Postdoc Seminar
First Friday of the month at 4pm
Orchard View Room, WID
Contact Anne Griep to receive notifications
Developmental Endocrinology Group Meeting
E. coli Club
Fly Group Monthly Meeting
Contact: Jill Wildonger
Genetics Colloquium
Wednesdays at 3:30pm
Auditorium (Room 1111) of the Genetics/Biotech Building
Genomic Sciences Training Program Seminar
Great Lakes Bioenergy Annual Science Meeting
Immunology Works in Progress (IWiP) Seminar
International Conference on Mycorrhiza
Ion Channels Journal Club
Microbes in Health and Disease
Tuesdays at 4 p.m.
Room 2511 Microbial Sciences Building (MSB)
Midwest Tumor Microenvironment Conference
Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology Seminars
Mondays from 12:00-1:00pm
1325 Health Sciences Learning Center (HSLC)
Molecular & Genetic Sciences Group
Molecular Virology Seminar Series
1211 Biochemical Sciences Building (BSB)
Neuro Development Club
Nutritional Sciences Seminar
Thursdays at 11:00am
290 Nutritional Sciences
Contact: Julie Ewing-Christensen (
Parasites and Vector Biology Seminar
Once a month on Tuesdays, 4-5pm in MSB 2511
Contact: Tim Yoshino (
Waisman Center Molecular and Genetic Sciences Group
Faculty Seminars
Biochemistry Colloquium
Mondays at 3:30pm
Room 1211, HFD Biochemical Sciences Building
Cancer Biology Seminar Series
Wednesdays at 10:30-11:30AM
Room 1345 Health Sciences Learning Center (HSLC)
Cell and Regenerative Biology Seminar Series
Tuesdays at 2:00pm
Room 3571 WIMR
Distinguished Lectures in Microbiology
Thursdays at 3:30pm
Food Research Institute Seminars
Genetics Colloquium
Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30pm
Genetics/Biotech Building, Room 1111
Medical Microbiology & Immunology Seminars
Nutritional Sciences Seminar Series
Thursdays at 11:00am
Nutritional Sciences 290
RNA MaxiGroup
Tuesdays at 6:30pm
Room 1360 Genetics-Biotechnology Center
Stem Cell Seminars
Tuesdays at 1:00pm
WID Forum