Hematoxylin and eosin-stained section of a triple negative breast tumor

Hematoxylin and eosin-stained section of a triple negative breast tumor

Cancer Biology

The Cancer Biology focus group encompasses a wide spectrum of research interests, from translational goals for improving treatment of human tumors, to basic research describing the molecular interactions of pathways that are key to cell regulation.  Group members who are developing the next generation techniques for analyzing complex tumor microenvironments include Drs. Skala (metabolic live imaging), Beebe (development of nanodevices), Dinh (single cell RNA Sequence), Masters and Kimple (establishing complex cell interactions in vitro).  Members studying epigenetics and cancer include Drs. Lewis, Pan and Xu. Members studying the genetics associated with cancer susceptibility, and the genetics of specific tumor types, include Drs. Brand, Bresnick, Churpek,  Lang, Hess,  Lim, and Zhang. Members at the translational interface of cancer immunology include Drs. Richards, Sondel, Morris, McNeel, Kimple and Capitini. Tools for early diagnostic development for cancer detection are being developed by Dr. Murtaza and Lang, and radiology tools for breast cancer evaluation by Dr. Fowler.  Basic aspects of DNA replication and repair are covered by Drs. Tibbets, Mehta and Matson. Key aspects of cancer cell division and chromosomal instability are led by Drs. Weaver, Burkard, Suzuki and Cosper.  Novel pathways driving cancer cell growth include the metabolic control exerted by skin (Alexander), nuclear lipid kinases (Dr. Cryns and Anderson), obesity (Arendt) and neuronal innervation (Birbrair).


Headshot of Caroline Alexander

Focus Group Chair Caroline Alexander
Oncology Department
Mammary tumor cell biology

Focus Group Members

Paul Ahlquist

Credentials: Institute for Molecular Virology, Oncology, Plant Pathology Department

Position title: Virus Replication and Host Interactions

Email: ahlquist@wisc.edu

Nihal Ahmad

Credentials: Dermatology Department

Position title: Mechanism of cancer development & novel approaches for cancer management

Email: nahmad@wisc.edu

Richard Anderson

Credentials: Medical School Dean's Office

Position title: Molecular and cellular signaling and cancer

Email: raanders@wisc.edu

Lisa Arendt

Credentials: Comparative Biosciences Department

Position title: Obesity, breast cancer, mouse models

Email: lmarendt@wisc.edu

Anjon Audhya

Credentials: Biomolecular Chemistry Department

Position title: Mechanisms of membrane trafficking; live cell imaging techniques

Email: audhya@wisc.edu

David Beebe

Credentials: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Department

Position title: Investigating cellular scale phenomena from physical and biological sciences perspectives

Email: djbeebe@wisc.edu

Alexander Birbrair

Credentials: Dermatology

Position title: Mechanisms regulating cancer progression

Email: birbrair@wisc.edu

Marjorie Brand

Credentials: Cell and Regenerative Biology

Position title: Leukemia; Blood differentiation; Gene regulation; Genomics; Proteomics

Email: mbrand3@wisc.edu

Emery Bresnick

Credentials: Cell & Regenerative Biology Department

Position title: Normal and malignant hematopoiesis; epigenetics; molecular medicine

Email: ehbresni@wisc.edu

Christian Capitini

Credentials: Pediatrics Department

Position title: Adoptive cell therapies (NK cell and CAR T cell infusions), Bone marrow transplant, GVHD

Email: ccapitini@pediatrics.wisc.edu

Jason Cantor

Credentials: Biochemistry Department

Position title: Influence of environmental factors on human cell metabolism

Email: jcantor@morgridge.org

Jane Churpek

Credentials: Medicine Department

Position title: Genetics of blood disorder and cancer predisposition

Email: jchurpek@wisc.edu

Pippa Cosper

Credentials: Human Oncology

Position title: Chromosomal instability, radiation sensitivity, DNA tumor viruses

Email: cosper@wisc.edu

Vincent Cryns

Credentials: Medicine Department

Position title: Mechanisms of cell death in disease

Email: vlcryns@medicine.wisc.edu

Huy Dinh

Credentials: Oncology Department

Position title: Computational biology, Tumor microenvironment heterogeneity

Email: huy.dinh@wisc.edu

Amy Fowler

Credentials: Radiology Department

Position title: Molecular imaging of steroid receptors in breast cancer

Email: afowler@wisc.edu

Ting Fu

Credentials: Pharmacy Department

Position title: Nuclear receptor, Bile acids, Gut physiology, Colon cancer

Email: ting.fu@wisc.edu

Xin Gao

Credentials: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Department

Position title: Hematopoietic stem cells; bone marrow microenvironment; blood diseases

Email: xgao37@wisc.edu

Anne Griep

Credentials: Cell & Regenerative Biology Department

Position title: Molecular regulation of mammalian eye development

Email: aegriep@wisc.edu

Gaelen Hess

Credentials: Biomolecular Chemistry

Position title: High-Throughput Mammalian Functional Genomics

Email: ghess3@wisc.edu

Troy Hornberger

Credentials: Comparative Biosciences Department

Position title: Mechanotransduction and the regulation of skeletal muscle mass

Email: troy.hornberger@wisc.edu

Jiaoyang Jiang

Credentials: Pharmaceutical Sciences

Position title: Protein glycosylation in biology and disease

Email: jiaoyang.jiang@wisc.edu

Eric Johannsen

Credentials: Medicine Department

Position title: Transcription, Growth Transformation, Notch Signaling

Email: ejohannsen@medicine.wisc.edu

Rob Kalejta

Credentials: Oncology Department

Position title: Epigenetics of HCMV transcription

Email: rfkalejta@wisc.edu

James Keck

Credentials: Biomolecular Chemistry Department

Position title: Structural Mechanisms of Genome Maintenance

Email: jlkeck@wisc.edu

Randall Kimple

Credentials: Human Oncology Department

Position title: Cell therapy, radiation biology, cancer therapeutics

Email: rkimple@humonc.wisc.edu

Pamela Kreeger

Credentials: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Department

Position title: Tissue engineering, systems biology, tumor microenvironment

Email: kreeger@wisc.edu

Paul Lambert

Credentials: Oncology Department

Position title: Small DNA tumor viruses

Email: plambert@wisc.edu

Dudley Lamming

Credentials: Medicine Department

Position title: Molecular Physiology of Aging

Email: lamming@wisc.edu

Jessica Lang

Credentials: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Position title: Translational ovarian cancer epigenetics

Email: jessica.lang@wisc.edu

Peter Lewis

Credentials: Biomolecular Chemistry Department

Position title: Chromatin regulation in development and disease

Email: peter.lewis@wisc.edu

Ci Ji Lim

Credentials: Biochemistry Department

Position title: Human telomere maintenance and genome maintenance

Email: ciji.lim@wisc.edu

Kinjal Majumder

Credentials: Oncology Department

Position title: Mechanisms of virus localization to cellular DNA breaks

Email: kmajumder@wisc.edu

Thomas Martin

Credentials: Biochemistry Department

Position title: Mechanisms of hormone action; regulation of hormone/neurotransmitter secretion

Email: tfmartin@wisc.edu

Kristyn Masters

Credentials: Biomedical Engineering Department

Position title: In vitro disease modeling

Email: kmasters@wisc.edu

Daniel Matson

Credentials: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Position title: Transcription Factors and Replication Origins

Email: drmatson@wisc.edu

Douglas McNeel

Credentials: Medicine Department

Position title: Development of immunological treatments, and vaccines in particular, that can eradicate prostate cancer

Email: dm3@medicine.wisc.edu

Kavi Mehta

Credentials: Comparative Biosciences Department

Position title: Replication-coupled DNA repair

Email: kmehta@wisc.edu

Zachary Morris

Credentials: Human Oncology Department

Position title: Immune effects of radiotherapies

Email: zmorris@humonc.wisc.edu

Muhammed Murtaza

Credentials: Surgery

Position title: Cancer genomics and precision medicine

Email: murtaza@surgery.wisc.edu

Xuan Pan

Credentials: Medical Sciences Department

Position title: Epigenetic regulation, hematopoiesis, mouse models

Email: xpan24@wisc.edu

Rebecca (Becky) Richards

Credentials: Pediatrics

Position title: Engineering next-generation CAR-T cells for blood cancers

Email: rmrichards3@wisc.edu

Lixin Rui

Credentials: Medicine Department

Position title: Cell signaling in B cell lymphoma

Email: lrui@medicine.wisc.edu

John-Demian (JD) Sauer

Credentials: Medical Microbiology & Immunology Department

Position title: Host-Microbe Interactions

Email: sauer3@wisc.edu

Marina Sharifi

Credentials: Department of Medicine

Position title: Targeted therapy resistance in advanced cancer

Email: msharifi@medicine.wisc.edu

Nathan Sherer

Credentials: Oncology Department

Position title: Cell biology of HIV replication

Email: nsherer@wisc.edu

Melissa Skala

Credentials: Biomedical Engineering Department

Position title: Metabolism, cancer, microscopy

Email: mcskala@wisc.edu

Paul Sondel

Credentials: Pediatrics Department

Position title: Clinical immunotherapy of cancer and tumor immunology

Email: pmsondel@humonc.wisc.edu

Megan Spurgeon

Credentials: Oncology Department

Position title: Biology of DNA tumor viruses

Email: megan.spurgeon@wisc.edu

Aussie Suzuki

Credentials: Oncology Department

Position title: Cell Division, Mitosis, Kinetochore, Tension, Chromosomal Instability

Email: aussie.suzuki@wisc.edu

Randal Tibbetts

Credentials: Human Oncology Department

Position title: DNA repair; gene expression; neurodegeneration; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Email: rstibbetts@wisc.edu

Beth Weaver

Credentials: Cell & Regenerative Biology Department

Position title: Mitosis, chromosome segregation, aneuploidy and cancer

Email: baweaver@wisc.edu

Amy Weeks

Credentials: Biochemistry Department

Position title: Spatiotemporal dynamics of cell signaling using chemical biology and proteomics tools

Email: amweeks@wisc.edu

Deric Wheeler

Credentials: Human Oncology Department

Position title: Mechanisms of resistance to targeted therapies

Email: dlwheeler@wisc.edu

Yongna Xing

Credentials: Oncology Department

Position title: Cell signaling related to caner, structural biology, biochemistry, proteomics

Email: xing@oncology.wisc.edu

Wei Xu

Credentials: Oncology Department

Position title: Epigenetic regulation of breast cancer

Email: wxu@oncology.wisc.edu

Jing Zhang

Credentials: Oncology Department

Position title: Hematopoietic stem cell, leukemic stem cell, cytokine signaling

Email: zhang@oncology.wisc.edu