Spermatogenesis in the planarian /Schmditea mediterranea/. Nuclei are visualized by Hoechst staining (gray) and the mitotic marker phospho-histone H3 is visualized in red. Maximum-intensity projection of a laser-scanning confocal image series. Image by Tracy Chong (Newmark lab).

Image by Tracy Chong (Newmark lab)

Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine

Photo: Spermatogenesis in the planarian /Schmditea mediterranea/. Nuclei are visualized by Hoechst staining (gray) and the mitotic marker phospho-histone H3 is visualized in red. Maximum-intensity projection of a laser-scanning confocal image series. Image by Tracy Chong (Newmark lab).

The overall goal of the research in the Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine focus group is to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying embryonic development and regeneration in the adult. This large and diverse focus group consists of faculty from departments and schools across campus. Our faculty are engaged in a wide variety of research directions ranging from basic research to elucidate the molecular mechanisms governing development and regeneration to translational goal of using stem cells as therapeutic agents to treat disease. Group members are exploring the mechanisms by which transcription factors, cytosolic regulators and extracellular cues determine cell fate, cell movements and patterning during development and regeneration. The group also has an emphasis on stem cell biology, exploring questions on self-renewal and differentiation during embryonic development and regeneration, developmental timing and using stem cells in tissue repair and the treatment of disease.

Collectively, the group uses a wide spectrum of model organisms in their research including nematodes, flies, zebrafish, planaria, amphibians and mice, as well as embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells. Students have the opportunity to use a wide variety of genetic, biochemical, molecular and genomic approaches including state of the art imaging, transgenic and gene editing, and genomic and bioinformatics technologies in their research.

There is a monthly Developmental Biology Student/Postdoc seminar series in which students and postdoctoral fellows present their research to a broad audience of developmental and regenerative biologists. Contact Junsu Kang at junsu.kang@wisc.edu for more information or to receive seminar notifications.


Focus Group Chair Junsu Kang
Cell & Regenerative Biology Department
Regeneration, zebrafish, enhancer, fin, heart

Focus Group Members

Richard Amasino

Credentials: Biochemistry Department

Position title: Seasonal control of flowering

Email: amasino@biochem.wisc.edu

Jean-Michel Ané

Credentials: Department of Bacteriology

Position title: Symbiotic plant-microbe associations (nodulation and mycorrhization)

Email: jane@wisc.edu

Anjon Audhya

Credentials: Biomolecular Chemistry Department

Position title: Mechanisms of membrane trafficking; live cell imaging techniques

Email: audhya@wisc.edu

Arash Bashirullah

Credentials: Pharmacy Department

Position title: Developmental regulation of endocrine and exocrine biology

Email: bashirullah@wisc.edu

William (Bill) Bement

Credentials: Laboratory of Cell and Molecular Biology & Integrative Biology Department

Position title: Signal transduction, cell division, and cytoskeleton

Email: wmbement@facstaff.wisc.edu

Anita Bhattacharyya

Credentials: Cell and Regenerative Biology Department

Position title: Modeling neurodevelopmental disorders with human stem cells.

Email: bhattacharyy@waisman.wisc.edu

Alexander Birbrair

Credentials: Dermatology

Position title: Mechanisms regulating cancer progression

Email: birbrair@wisc.edu

Seth Blair

Credentials: Integrative Biology Department

Position title: Development and signaling in Drosophila

Email: ssblair@facstaff.wisc.edu

Roméo Blanc

Credentials: Cell & Regenerative Biology

Position title: Epigenetic regulation of aging

Email: rblanc@wisc.edu

Barak Blum

Credentials: Cell & Regenerative Biology Department

Position title: Functional beta cell maturation

Email: bblum4@wisc.edu

Grace Boekhoff-Falk

Credentials: Cell & Regenerative Biology Department

Position title: Limb and neural development

Email: boekhofffalk@wisc.edu

Marjorie Brand

Credentials: Cell and Regenerative Biology

Position title: Leukemia; Blood differentiation; Gene regulation; Genomics; Proteomics

Email: mbrand3@wisc.edu

Emery Bresnick

Credentials: Cell & Regenerative Biology Department

Position title: Normal and malignant hematopoiesis; epigenetics; molecular medicine

Email: ehbresni@wisc.edu

Matthew E. Brown

Credentials: Surgery Department

Position title: Pluripotent Stem Cell Immunogenicity

Email: brownm@surgery.wisc.edu

Michael Cahill

Credentials: Comparative Biosciences Department

Position title: Molecular and biochemical mechanisms of synapse morphogenesis

Email: michael.cahill@wisc.edu

Qiang Chang

Credentials: Medical Genetics Department

Position title: Epigenetic regulation of brain function

Email: qchang@waisman.wisc.edu

Josh Coon

Credentials: Biomolecular Chemistry

Position title: Systems and quantitative biology

Email: jcoon@chem.wisc.edu

Dawn Davis

Credentials: Medicine, Division of Endocrinology

Position title: Pancreatic islet biology

Email: dbd@medicine.wisc.edu

Erik Dent

Credentials: Neuroscience Department

Position title: Regulation of the cytoskeleton in neuronal differentiation

Email: ewdent@wisc.edu

Jeffrey Dilworth

Credentials: Cell & Regenerative Biology

Position title: Epigenetics; Muscle Regeneration; Stem Cell Biology; Gene Expression

Email: fdilworth@wisc.edu

Daniela Drummond Barbosa

Credentials: Genetics

Position title: Physiology of stem cell lineages

Email: ddbarbosa@wisc.edu

David Ehrlich

Credentials: Integrative Biology Department

Position title: Neural control of movement

Email: dehrlich@wisc.edu

Feyza Engin

Credentials: Biomolecular Chemistry Department

Position title: Endoplasmic reticulum stress, organelle dysfunction, unfolded protein response, beta cell function and diabetes

Email: fengin@wisc.edu

David Gamm

Credentials: Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Department

Position title: Retinal stem cell biology

Email: dgamm@wisc.edu

Xin Gao

Credentials: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Department

Position title: Hematopoietic stem cells; bone marrow microenvironment; blood diseases

Email: xgao37@wisc.edu

Ying Ge

Credentials: Cell & Regenerative Biology Department

Position title: Systems biology, cardiac disease and regeneration

Email: ge2@wisc.edu

Simon Gilroy

Credentials: Botany Department

Position title: Plant cell biology and signal transduction

Email: sgilroy@wisc.edu

Alexey Glukhov

Credentials: Medicine Department

Position title: Cardiac electrophysiology, biophysics, cellular and molecular biology of cardiomyocytes, cardiac arrhythmias and pathophysiology

Email: aglukhov@medicine.wisc.edu

Timothy Gomez

Credentials: Neuroscience Department

Position title: Regulation of axon guidance

Email: tmgomez@facstaff.wisc.edu

Anne Griep

Credentials: Cell & Regenerative Biology Department

Position title: Molecular regulation of mammalian eye development

Email: aegriep@wisc.edu

Yevgenya Grinblat

Credentials: Integrative Biology Department

Position title: Genetic basis of neural development

Email: ygrinblat@facstaff.wisc.edu

Mary Halloran

Credentials: Integrative Biology Department

Position title: Mechanisms of axon guidance and neural crest cell migration during zebrafish neural development

Email: mchalloran@facstaff.wisc.edu

Jeffrey Hardin

Credentials: Integrative Biology Department

Position title: Morphogenesis and pattern formation during early development

Email: jdhardin@wisc.edu

Melissa Harrison

Credentials: Biomolecular Chemistry Department

Position title: Zygotic genome transcriptional activation

Email: mharrison3@wisc.edu

Mrinalini Hoon

Credentials: Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Department

Position title: Mechanisms regulating retinal circuit organization

Email: mhoon@wisc.edu

Zhen Huang

Credentials: Neurology Department

Position title: Cerebral cortex development, neuronel migration, dendrite development

Email: z.huang@neurology.wisc.edu

Christina Hull

Credentials: Biomolecular Chemistry Department

Position title: Human fungal pathogen development & pathogenesis

Email: cmhull@wisc.edu

Joan Jorgensen

Credentials: Comparative Biosciences Department

Position title: Molecular and developmental origins of sex differentiation

Email: joan.jorgensen@wisc.edu

Timothy Kamp

Credentials: Medicine Department

Position title: Mechanisms of arrhythmias and cardiac regeneration

Email: tjk@medicine.wisc.edu

Nancy Keller

Credentials: Medical Microbiology & Immunology Department

Position title: Fungi, secondary metabolism, pathogenesis

Email: npkeller@wisc.edu

Michelle Kimple

Credentials: Medicine Department

Position title: GPCRs in pancreatic islet biology

Email: mkimple@medicine.wisc.edu

Randall Kimple

Credentials: Human Oncology Department

Position title: Cell therapy, radiation biology, cancer therapeutics

Email: rkimple@humonc.wisc.edu

Melissa Kinney

Credentials: Biomedical Engineering Department

Position title: Stem cell systems biology

Email: melissa.kinney@wisc.edu

Wan-Ju Li

Credentials: Orthopedics & Rehabilitation Department

Position title: Chondrogenic differentiation of iPSCs via neural crest lineage

Email: li@ortho.wisc.edu

Robert Lipinski

Credentials: Comparative Biosciences Department

Position title: Craniofacial development and birth defects

Email: robert.lipinski@wisc.edu

Bo Liu

Credentials: Surgery Department

Position title: Cell death, signal transduction, extracellular matrix, inflammation, vascular disease

Email: bliu24@wisc.edu

Ahmed Mahmoud

Credentials: Cell & Regenerative Biology Department

Position title: Heart regeneration, metabolism, epigenetics

Email: aimahmoud@wisc.edu

Kristyn Masters

Credentials: Biomedical Engineering Department

Position title: In vitro disease modeling

Email: kmasters@wisc.edu

Daniel Matson

Credentials: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Position title: Transcription Factors and Replication Origins

Email: drmatson@wisc.edu

Sara McCoy

Credentials: Medicine Department

Position title: Mesenchymal stromal cell immunobiology

Email: ssmccoy@medicine.wisc.edu

Darcie Moore

Credentials: Neuroscience Department

Position title: Neural stem cells and aging

Email: darcie.moore@wisc.edu

Jeremy Nance

Credentials: Cell and Regenerative Biology Department

Position title: Mechanisms of morphogenesis and organogenesis

Email: jfnance@wisc.edu

Phillip Newmark

Credentials: Integrative Biology Department

Position title: Planarian regeneration; development of parasitic flatworms

Email: pnewmark@morgridge.org

Jon Odorico

Credentials: Surgery Department

Position title: Pluripotent stem cell islets

Email: jon@surgery.wisc.edu

Claire O'Leary

Credentials: Pediatrics

Position title: Tuft cells, immunology, microbiome

Email: coleary@wisc.edu

Francisco Pelegri

Credentials: Genetics Department

Position title: Genetic control of zebrafish embryogenesis

Email: fjpelegri@wisc.edu

Kenneth Poss

Credentials: Cell and Regenerative Biology Department

Position title: Concepts and mechanisms of tissue regeneration

Email: kposs@morgridge.org

Andrea Putnam

Credentials: Biomolecular Chemistry

Position title: RNA condensates in development

Email: aaputnam@wisc.edu

Abbas Rizvi

Credentials: Neuroscience Department

Position title: Single cell and spatially resolved studies of gene regulation

Email: ahrizvi@wisc.edu

Krishanu Saha

Credentials: Biomolecular Chemistry Department

Position title: Human stem cell engineering

Email: ksaha@wisc.edu

James (Jack) Satterlee

Credentials: Botany Department

Position title: Molecular biology of plant evolution

Email: satterl@cshl.edu

Prashant Sharma

Credentials: Integrative Biology Department

Position title: Biodiversity in invertebrates

Email: psharma37@wisc.edu

Michael Sheets

Credentials: Biomolecular Chemistry Department

Position title: Molecular mechanisms regulating early vertebrate development

Email: mdsheets@wisc.edu

Nader Sheibani

Credentials: Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Department

Position title: Cell adhesion and signaling in vascular cells

Email: nsheibanikar@wisc.edu

Ahna Skop

Credentials: Genetics Department

Position title: Role of midbody RNAs in cell proliferation, pluripotency, and neurodegeneration

Email: skop@wisc.edu

Igor Slukvin

Credentials: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Department

Position title: Hematopoietic development from pluripotent stem cells; de novo generation of hematopoietic stem cells

Email: islukvin@wisc.edu

Andre Sousa

Credentials: Neuroscience Department

Position title: Molecular and cellular mechanisms of human brain development and evolution.

Email: andre.sousa@wisc.edu

Rupa Sridharan

Credentials: Cell & Regenerative Biology Department

Position title: Epigenetics, somatic cell reprogramming, cell fate change

Email: rsridharan2@wisc.edu

Michael Sussman

Credentials: Biochemistry Department

Position title: Genome technologies applied to the plasma membrane of eukaryotes: signal transduction and bioenergetics

Email: msussman@wisc.edu

John Svaren

Credentials: Comparative Biosciences Department

Position title: Transcriptional regulation of peripheral nerve myelination

Email: jpsvaren@wisc.edu

Owen Tamplin

Credentials: Cell & Regenerative Biology Department

Position title: The hematopoietic stem cell niche

Email: tamplin@wisc.edu

Chad Vezina

Credentials: Comparative Biosciences Department

Position title: Urinary dysfunction in aging men

Email: cmvezina@wisc.edu

Han Wang

Credentials: Integrative Biology Department

Position title: Neurogenetics and Behavior

Email: han.wang@wisc.edu

David Wassarman

Credentials: Medical Genetics Department

Position title: Neurodegeneration in Drosophila

Email: dawassarman@wisc.edu

Samantha Weaver

Credentials: Comparative Biosciences Department

Position title: Bone and cartilage regeneration.

Email: srweaver@wisc.edu

Deneen Wellik

Credentials: Cell & Regenerative Biology Department

Position title: Hox genes, Organogenesis, Regeneration, mesenchymal stem cells, Mouse genetics

Email: wellik@wisc.edu

Donna Werling

Credentials: Genetics Department

Position title: Genomics of brain development and disorders

Email: dwerling@wisc.edu

Justin Wolter

Credentials: Genetics Department

Position title: Molecular mechanisms of neurodevelopmental disorders

Email: wolter4@wisc.edu

Jingshing Wu

Credentials: Pediatrics Department

Position title: Developmental Biology, Congenital Heart Disease, Genetics/Epigenetics

Email: jwu7@wisc.edu

Fei Zhao

Credentials: Comparative Biosciences Department

Position title: Sexual differentiation of reproductive tracts

Email: fei.zhao@wisc.edu

Xinyu Zhao

Credentials: Neuroscience Department

Position title: Epigenetic regulation, neural stem cells, neurodevelopment, noncoding RNA, RNA binding protein, learning and memory

Email: xinyu.zhao@wisc.edu