The University of Wisconsin–Madison has been ranked 26th worldwide by the Center for World University Rankings.
Year: 2020
Faculty receive WARF, Kellett, Romnes awards
Congratulations to the CMB Trainers who were awarded faculty fellowships for 2020-21! Emery Bresnick, Edwin Chapman, and Anna Huttenlocher were appointed to WARF Named Professorships! Melissa Harrison and Hiroshi Maeda received H.I. Romnes Faculty Fellowships! …
Sixth Annual Postdoc Mentoring Awards recognize outstanding UW-Madison faculty members
Congratulations to CMB Trainer Jean-Michel Ané!
How a UW-Madison engineer [CMB Trainer John Yin] could help beat a virus at its own game
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread across the United States and the world, many are putting their hope in science to bring an end to the virus, or at least make it manageable. But …
Remembering Donata Oertel
We are saddened to share that Donata Oertel, PhD, Mary Herman and Lucien Rubinstein Distinguished Chair of Neuroscience, passed away on April 22, 2020 after a prolonged illness. She was a member of the faculty …
An Exciting Development, CRISPR Lets UW-Madison Researchers Edit Genes
On a crisp, sunny February afternoon in Kris Saha’s lab in Madison, doctoral candidate in biomedical engineering Nicole Piscopo put a petri dish of cells underneath a high-powered microscope. The cells, which were gene-edited to …
Aicha Quamine Wins NSF-GRFP Award!
Congratulations to CMB student Aicha Quamine who was awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship for 2020! The National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF-GRFP) recognizes and supports outstanding, early-career graduate students who are pursuing …
CMB student Charlotte Kanzler takes top prize in Ethics Cartooning Contest
Four prizes were awarded in the third annual Morgridge Institute for Research Ethics Cartooning Contest, which invites participants to make a cartoon on any ethical issue related to biomedical research. The competition drew 72 entrants from more than 39 different departments …
BADGRS Fosters Supportive Community Through Student-Led Discussions
Graduate students are six times more likely than the general population to experience depression and anxiety, according to a 2018 study published in Nature Biotechnology. At UW–Madison, a new student group has developed a way to complement university resources …
Four CMB Faculty Trainers are among the 2019 Ride Scholars
The 2019 Ride Scholars were announced at the 4th Annual Wisconsin Hockey Face-Off Against Cancer game on Saturday, January 18 at the Kohl Center which can be viewed here. Seven scholars and their labs, including four CMB trainers–Anjon Audhya, …