Midwest Society for Developmental Biology Meeting

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@ 12:00 pm -

We are excited to be hosting the Midwest Society for Developmental Biology meeting here in Madison, from August 11-13. https://midwestsdb.weebly.com
Our keynote speakers are Prof. Itai Yanai from the NYU.  Creator of the Night Science podcast,  he recently published a paper on the evolution of tail-loss in humans and apes. Prof. Yanai will lead a workshop on fostering creativity in scientific research during the meeting.
Prof. Xuehua Zhong, Wash U. St. Louis.  whose lab focuses on epigenetic control of plant development. Prof. Sarah Petersen, Kenyon College, whose lab uses zebrafish to study neurodevelopment in a primarily undergraduate institution.
Abstracts can be submitted at https://uwmadison.eventsair.com/midwest-sdb-2024/abstract, until June 30