Andrew Mehle
Credentials: Medical Microbiology & Immunology Department
Position title: Defining the virus: host interface for influenza virus
Phone: (608) 263-1978
3325 Microbial Sciences Building
1550 Linden Dr
Madison, WI 53706
Virology; RNA Biology
Influenza virus — a seemingly simple virus with only 8 genomic RNAs and ~ 14 proteins. But, this apparent simplicity belies complex programs deployed by the virus to steal, disable, and subvert cellular processes with the ultimate goal of replicating and transmitting new particles. In the Mehle Lab, we study the viral replication machinery and the host factors that regulate expression of viral genes and replication
of the viral genome. We are especially interested in how influenza virus usurps cellular processes to support viral replication, including those classically associated with responses thought to inhibit infection. We build on these to understand how influenza virus evolves at the population level. Work in the lab will continue to use a combination of genetic, molecular and biochemical approaches to identify host factors
that restrict and regulate influenza virus, characterize their mode of action and identify their role in viral transmission and pathogenesis.
ALSO A TRAINER IN THE FOLLOWING PROGRAMS: Microbiology (MDTP), Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP), Microbes and Health Disease, Parasitology & Vector Biology Training Program (PVB)