Systems Biology Courses

These courses may be of interest to students who are interested in Systems Biology.

wdt_ID Course Number Course Name Credits Offered Fulfills CMB Requirement
1 BIOCHEM 570 Computational Modeling of Biological Systems 3 Fall Elective
2 BIOCHEM / PHMCOL-M / ZOOLOGY 630 Cellular Signal Transduction Mechanisms 3 Fall Elective
3 BIOCHEM / GENETICS / MD GENT 620 Eukaryotic Molecular Biology 3 Spring Molecular Biology Core
4 B M E 556 Systems Biology: Mammalian Signaling Networks 3 Fall, Spring Elective
5 B M I / COMP SCI 576 Introduction to Bioinformatics 3 Fall Elective
6 B M I / COMP SCI 776 Advanced Bioinformatics 3 Spring Elective
7 B M I / STAT 877 Statistical Methods for Molecular Biology 3 Fall Elective
8 BIOCHEM / B M I / MATH / BMOLCHEM 609 Mathematical Methods For Systems Biology 3 Spring Elective
9 MICROBIO 657 Bioinformatics for Microbiologists 3 Spring Elective
10 NEURODPT / NTP / PSYCH 611 Systems Neuroscience 4 Spring Elective
11 ONCOLOGY 778 Bioinformatics for Biologists 3 Spring Elective
Course Number Course Name Credits Offered Fulfills CMB Requirement