Diya Binoy Joseph, Class of 2013, Vezina Lab
2018 CMB Exceptional Thesis Award
Mazdak Bradberry, Class of 2016, Edwin Chapman Lab
Predoctoral National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellowship for MD/PhD (F30)
Katarina Braun, Class of 2017, Thomas Friedrich Lab
Rath Distinguished Graduate Fellowship
Susana Calle-Castaneda, Class of 2018, David Schwartz Lab
Colciencias-Doctorados en el exterior
Peter Carlson, Class of 2016, Paul Sondel Lab
NIH F30 Molecular Targeted Radiotherapy to Overcome Resistance to In Situ Vaccination
Patrick Cervantes, Class of 2015, Laura Knoll Lab
SACNAS 2018 Oral Presentation Award
Completed NSF Graduate Research Internship Program (GRIP) with the Environmental Protection Agency, February-May 2019
Chris Gelbmann, Class of 2014, Robert Kalejta Lab
Predoctoral National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellowship for MD/PhD (F30)
Adriana Golding, Class of 2013, William Bement Lab
Dr. Stanley Weinreb and Dr. Eva Lurie Weinreb Graduate Student Fellowship
Amelia Haj, Class of 2016, David O’Connor Lab
Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics (FASPE)
Computation and Informatics in Biology and Medicine (CIBM) Training Program
UW Bioethics Symposium Best Medical Student Bioethics Essay
Anna Heffron, Class of 2017, Dave O’Connor Lab
UW Virology Training Grant
Gave invited presentation on work with anti-flavivirus antibodies, as well as informal presentation my work on gender inequities in academic medicine at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity in Melbourne, Australia
Mitchell Ledwith, Class of 2016, Andrew Mehle Lab
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Awardee
Richard Merkhofer, Class of 2015, Bruce Klein Lab
Predoctoral National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellowship for MD/PhD (F30)
Ani Michaud, Class of 2016, William Bement Lab
UW Cool Science Image Contest winner for both an image and a video
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship – Honorable Mention
Katie Mueller, Class of 2016, Krishanu Saha Lab
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Awardee
Stefan Pietrzak, Class of 2017, Rupa Sridharan Lab
Genomic Sciences Training Program (GSTP)
Laura Swanson, Class of 2016, David Wassarman Lab
Institute on Aging T32 Fellowship (NIH)
Aicha Quamine, Class of 2018, Capitini Lab
Bridge to the Doctorate Fellowship
SciMed GRS Fellowship
Becky Reese, Class of 2015, Alarid Lab
Great Lakes Nuclear Receptor Conference Poster Award
Dan Tremmel, Class of 2015, Jon Odorico Lab
UW Cool Science Image Contest winner
The Debra A. Hullett, PhD, Best Basic Science Poster Award (Dept of Surgery Research Summit, Spring 2019)