Doctoral Minors

The CMB Program does not require a minor. While the program encourages students to concentrate on the CMB curriculum and their research, it also recognizes that pursuing a minor may benefit some students in achieving their goals. Students interested in a minor should complete the following steps:

  • Check with the program offering the minor for its requirements and eligibility
    • Dissertators cannot concurrently hold dissertator fee status while pursuing a minor. Students should complete minor requirements as non-dissertators and before taking the preliminary exam.
  • Upon approval from the program offering the minor, the student should request to add the minor in Graduate Student Portal by following these steps
  • Notify the CMB Office that they have added a minor
  • Once the minor is complete, send a copy of the Minor Approval Form to the CMB Office
  • International students who add a program or a certificate program should contact International Student Services to discuss the possible effects this change of program could have on immigration status.

Students may be interested in minors in Developmental, Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology (DSCRB),  Life Sciences Communication (LSC)and Quantitative Biology (Qbio).

For more information on doctoral minors, please visit the UW Graduate School’s webpage.